Block of the Month - Calendar Series
We're super excited about our new Block of the Month series
that features a 2-part pattern each month:
- Two-piece pattern for each month
- Machine embroidery and traditional applique options
- 5 x 7” hoop sizes by double-hooping so that EVERYONE can plug these into their embroidery machines
- Custom 11" Calendar Desk stand with convenient clips
- Shops only -- no direct Patch Abilities retail sales or subscriptions
Video Summary:
- 2-Part design for each month of the year: header + design panels
- Patterns are available individually by month, Jan - Dec
- Wool ... we have designed these to accommodate wool and we'll have pics soon!
- Custom-designed “hanger” – this time it’s an 11" Calendar Stand that holds both pieces with convenient clips
- Buttons are used sparingly in ways that truly complement
- Instructions – No assumptions, no skipped steps, no unfinished projects
- Available at your local quilt shops or their online storefronts -- there is no direct Patch Abilities retail sale option at this time
But, There's Machine Embroidery, Too:
Video Summary:
- Quarterly packs: Q1 (Jan, Feb, Mar), Q2 (Apr, May, Jun), Q3 (Jul, Aug, Sep), and Q4 (Oct, Nov, Dec)
- 1 booklet with 3 sets of instructions inside
- 1 USB stick with 3 sets of files and digital instruction
- Instructions include the step-by-step pictures of how to complete your ME project
- There are no monthly versions of the ME patterns
- Hooping Options:
- Double-hooping allows for 5 x 7" hoop sizes
- Single-hooping is easier and allows for flip-and-fold border to be attached in the hoop
- Again, the instructions here are NOT the same as what comes printed -- check the USB stick for picture-guided step-by-step instructions!
- Same custom designed 11" Calendar Stand that holds the 2 pieces together
- Blanket & Satin stitch options (and files) for each pattern
- Traditional applique instructions are still included
- Button packs are optional ... either add the buttons or include them in your embroidery
How to order:
- MM13-xx nomenclature for traditional applique (e.g., MM13-1, MM13-2, MM13-11)
- MM13-ME-Qx for machine embroidery (e.g., MM13-ME-Q1)
- Email
- Phone us 563-778-2101